Moral and spiritual uprightness: The College gives much importance to moral and spiritual values. Spiritual and moral values are highly cherished attributes to a wholesome personality and the college gives adequate orientations towards achieving these goals.
Integrity: Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College expects honesty and integrity from every student in their academic endeavours such as class attendance, examinations, assignments, seminars and project works. Students must complete their academic work independently unless specifically instructed otherwise.
Inclusiveness: The College is committed to promote a culture of mutual respect and inclusiveness in the campus. The College will uphold the rights and freedoms of all the members of the College community to work and study free from discrimination and harassment, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion or nationality.
Security and Peace: Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College will always assure a secure and peaceful ambiance to the academic community. Those found in violation of college policies and trying to disrupt the prevailing peaceful atmosphere will be subjected to appropriate sanctions, including removal from the college rolls and contact with law enforcement authorities, if required. The College will extend appropriate support to those who are affected by acts of violence.
Commitment to Justice, Fairness and Equity: Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College underscores justice, fairness and equity in all aspects. The college has a very effective redress mechanism to deal with Physical or Psychological assaults of any kind like ragging, threats of violence or harm, discrimination etc. All rules, regulations and procedures regarding student conduct must embody the principles of procedural fairness.
Secular and Democratic values: The College upholds secular and democratic values. It provides a congenial ecosystem to internalize and foster these values. Any attempts on the part of students leading to impair communal harmony will be taken seriously and shall meet appropriate disciplinary action.