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Congratulations… Rising stars…

Congratulations… Rising stars…

Outstanding Achievements in BA Afzal Ul Ulama 2023 at the University of Calicut

The University of Calicut is abuzz with excitement as the results for the BA Afzal Ul Ulama program have been announced, showcasing an exceptional display of academic excellence. This year’s rank holders have made the institution proud, with six of the top ten positions being claimed by students from Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College.

Rufaiha Abdul Nazar CN has emerged as the front-runner, securing the coveted 1st rank. Her dedication and commitment to her studies have clearly paid off. Following closely behind is Sameeha CS, who claimed the 4th rank, displaying her remarkable academic prowess.

Adeeb Ismail Karat clinched the 7th rank, while Nada Hanoon achieved the 8th rank, demonstrating their outstanding scholarly abilities. The 9th position was secured by Nida Khadeeja, further emphasizing the consistent high performance from Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College. The 10th position was captured by Farha Fathima, adding another feather to the college’s cap.

These remarkable achievements are a testament to the dedication and hard work of the students, as well as the quality of education provided at Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College. The University of Calicut congratulates all the rank holders for their outstanding performances and wishes them continued success in their academic journeys.

The university also commends the faculty and staff of Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College for their relentless efforts in nurturing these bright minds. These achievements underscore the college’s commitment to excellence in education.

As the academic year progresses, the University of Calicut looks forward to witnessing more remarkable accomplishments from its students and remains committed to providing a conducive environment for learning and growth.

This news report celebrates the exceptional achievements of the rank holders and highlights the significant contributions of Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College to the academic landscape of the University of Calicut.