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Let them know the manners

Let them know the manners

The Women Cell at Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College conducted a compelling talk centered around the theme “Know Your Manners,” featuring Shahad bin Aly, the esteemed Principal of RUA College. The event held at Seminar Hall at 2 o’clock, drawing a diverse audience of students, faculty, and staff. Jumaina NP, the Women Cell Coordinator, commenced the proceedings with a gracious welcome speech, setting a welcoming tone for the enlightening discourse that followed. Ali Keeriyadan, an Assistant Professor in the Arabic Department at RUA College, added a touch of academic distinction by extending felicitations to Shahad bin Aly. The talk itself, conducted by the Principal, delved into the intricate nuances of manners, weaving together practical insights and relatable anecdotes to engage the audience.

The Seminar Hall buzzed with interactive segments, allowing participants to pose questions and actively contribute to the dialogue. This dynamic exchange of ideas underscored the significance of manners in both personal and professional realms. Ali Keeriyadan’s felicitation added an academic perspective, emphasizing the relevance of such discussions within the college environment. The event concluded on a gracious note with Muzna Abdul Kareem, a second-year student of Afzal ul Ulama, delivering a heartfelt vote of thanks. Muzna expressed gratitude to the speakers, organizers, and attendees, highlighting the collaborative effort that made the event a resounding success. The “Know Your Manners” talk not only enriched the intellectual milieu of Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College but also fostered a sense of community and shared values among its participants. The Seminar Hall, once a venue for discussion, became a hub for the exchange of ideas and the cultivation of a more courteous and mindful college community.